I Rise Up Meditation I Rev Meemie I April 14 2022
As we release the burden of unforgiveness, past experiences and pain, we rise up to the truth of unlimited potential and grace.
Lent Series Week 4 with Rev Meemie Lohmueller
Light Dispels Darkness Meditation I Rev Meemie I April 7 2022
The light of God dispels darkness; we are the light; we radiate light out to the world.
Lent Series--Release and Renew Week 6 with Rev Meemie Lohmueller
Higher Love Meditation for Ukraine I Rev Meemie I March 17 2022
As we live our lives from the higher spiritual truth of Divine Love, we radiate peace and harmony to all creation.
Open Heart Meditation for Ukraine I Rev Meemie I March 10 2022
As we move to a higher level of consciousness and open our hearts, we hold the spiritual truths of peace and love for all of humanity.
Release and Renew Week 2--Spiritual Practice 3-9-2022
Release and Renew Lent Series Week 1
RELEASE & RENEW: Your Overcoming Power During Lent.
A selection of readings to deepen your spiritual practice during Lent. Led by Rev. Meemie Lohmueller, Pastoral Care Minister at Unity of the Triangle
Peace for Ukraine and Russia Meditation I Rev Meemie I February 24 2022
We blanket Ukraine and Russia with peace, love and protection knowing the love of the Divine is greater than fear.
Spiritual Resilience Meditation I Rev Meemie I February 17 2022
The brightest light of the Divine infuses us with spiritual resilience; our indwelling strength allows us to adapt to change and to thrive.
Expanding Divine Love Meditation I Rev Meemie I February 10 2022
We see each other through the eyes of the Divine affirming Divine Love heals division, anger and fear.
Claim Divine Love Meditation I Rev Meemie I February 3 2022
Healing from Loss Meditation I Rev. Meemie I January 27 2022
No matter what is occurring in our lives, the love in our heart is bigger!
Peace Meditation l Rev Meemie l January 20 2022
As the world awakens to the indwelling peace of the Divine, hearts open and emotions and challenges heal. Claim the power of peace!
Nonresistant Meditation l Rev Meemie l Unity of the Triangle
We overcome our frustrations and challenges by seeing the goodness and blessings in all things. Nonresistance allows us to stay in the rhythm and flow of life with patience and love.
Unity of the Triangle Infinite Healing Possibilities MeditationWe
We send healing, loving light to all places that need healing: division and injustice, pandemic, and those passed to Spirit, and mother earth. There are infinite possibilities with the Divine.